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Your Ultimate Guide to Herbal Home Cleaning

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Your Ultimate Guide to Herbal Home Cleaning

A Healthy Home is A Happy Home. To ensure health what you need to do first is keep it in a neat-n-clean state. Cleanliness sets the foundation for health. 

We all wash or mop the floors of our house, wash the window glasses, dust them, vacuum, and do all the needful to keep it crystal clear.  And, we also get to accomplish our tasks easily and make every corner sparkling clean using chemical-based cleaning products

The house becomes clean, but does it work in favour of a healthy indoor atmosphere? This is a big question that many of us would stammer while answering. 


Side Effects of Using Chemical-based Products at Home

A lot many complications start surfacing once we become fully dependent on chemical-based cleaning products to keep our place neat-n-clean.  A reputed domestic cleaning company in Liverpool admits people are asking for eco-friendly cleaning tools and means increasingly now. 

The residues left behind and the resulting chemical reactions ruin the air quality inside. They even cut short the longevity of the hard surfaces they come in contact with, in time. 

Yet another prominent side effect of using chemical-based cleaning products is the aggravation of allergic symptoms. It makes people develop allergies and those already suffering experience it more. Such washing items trigger chronic respiratory issues. Experts from renowned domestic cleaning company in Liverpool also confirm the complications. Our physical system is not designed for constant chemical exposure. It prefers natural ingredients. 

Small children and pets are at the worst end of suffering. You never know the use of harmful chemical-based cleaning products might be the reason behind your kids and pets falling sick often! 

The toxic combination of bleach and ammonia can pollute the air quality of the immediate surrounding. People around can experience eyes, throat, and nose, irritation. These conditions are accompanied by difficulty in breathing and coughing.   

Many chemical-based products release Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) and these are dangerous. It can impact the health of people and pets staying in the house adversely. Nobody needs it to keep their houses clean. 


So, What’s the Solution? 

Embracing health-supporting cleaning methods using all-natural cleaning ingredients will keep the home clean without polluting the inside environment. 

Wanna learn how? Stay with us.


Your All-Natural Scrubber

Baking Soda: 1 and ½  cup 

Mild laundry liquid soap: ½ cup 

Tea Tree or Lemon Essential Oil: 10 Drops

Lemon Juice also can be taken if you don’t have lemon oil

Mix baking soda with the liquid soap to a paste consistency. Add the essential oil or a few drops of lime/lemon. Store it. Whenever it dries out miss little water and use. 


A Safe Yet Strong Toilet Cleaner 

White Vinegar: 1 cup

Baking Soda: 1 tbsp

Tea Tree Oil: 12 Drops

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Sprinkle baking soda all over the toilet bowl. Let it rest for a few minutes. Pour the essential oil dropwise. Scrub using a scrubbing tool or toilet brush. Keep spraying vinegar while scrubbing (using a spray bottle). Flush it to get a clean and germ-free toilet. 


Magical Microwave Cleaner 

Why magical? You need to do nothing except just wipe off. Place a small cup filled with vinegar and 1 lemon juice inside the microwave, and turn it on for 2 minutes. Don’t open the door for another 2 minutes. Take it out. Use a damp cloth and wipe off the inside. You are done! 


All-Natural Expert Drain Cleaner 

Baking Soda: Quarter Cup (small)

White Vinegar: Quarter Cup  (small)

Sprinkle baking soda into the clogged drain. Pour the vinegar. Let it sit for an hour. Pouring boiling hot water and the job is done! 

Mirror…Mirror, Time to Tidy Up!  

White Vinegar: Quarter Cup (small)

Rubbing Alcohol: Quarter cup (small)

Cornstarch: 1tbsp

Any Essential Oil: 10 Drops

Mix it all at a time. Pour the solution into a spray bottle and just spray and wipe off the marks/spots from your mirror. An effective and scented glass cleaner you have. 


To Conclude 

Strong chemical-based cleaning agents work aggressively on dirt, spots,  and  Germs. The issue is their aggressive properties and harsh residues do not stay limited to dirt and dust only. They also work hostile to the natural healthy environment of the house. 

Try these and witness how effective they can be! 

Read our previous blog “The Commercial Cleaning Industry in Australia At A Glance

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